Home >Products >Pipe CouplingPipe Coupling

What Is Pipe Coupling?

A pipe coupling is a versatile fitting used for extending or terminating pipe runs and for changing pipe sizes. It joins two pipe sections to extend a run and is referred to as a reduced coupling when connecting pipes of different sizes. Pipe couplings, including repair couplings, lack stops or ridges, allowing them to be placed anywhere along the pipe length to prevent leaks.

Types of Pipe Couplings

Grooved Coupling: These couplings, commonly used in firefighting and industrial applications, feature grooves in the pipe ends, a rubber gasket, and a coupling to create a secure, non-welded connection.
Flexible Coupling: Commonly used in underground or buried pipelines, these couplings accommodate movement and misalignment in piping systems.
Reducing Coupling: Used to ensure a smooth transition in pipe size, reducing couplings connect pipes with different diameters.
Repair Coupling: Also known as slip repair couplings, these are designed for quick and easy repairs, allowing the removal and replacement of a damaged pipe section.

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